Monday, November 19, 2007

Bring Back John!

"Australian's have never had it better".............To bloody right! We have a bigger range of beer than the last time Labor were in power, we have a better selection of Cigarettes, more wine than ever at a cheaper price and yes our economy is strong and to be honest life is pretty bloody good. Why do we need a change to Rudd? Yes he went to a strip club but the bloke did not even get a private show! That my friends is UnAustralian!

In my electorate its some clown Newhouse vs Malcolm Turnbull. If Malc does not get in I will be one angry man! He is definitely the best candidate for the job!

I agree we have a problem with the Unions! Who banned smoking in our pubs? The ALP and the Unions! Who introduced Responsible Service of Alcohol? The ALP and the Unions! The place will fall down around us so please people do not vote for the ALP.

Ok I did put $550 on the Libs to win at $2.60 so if my boys come home its my shout at the Mill Hill!

Come on Australia don't put a little nerd like Rudd in as our PM! We would be the laughing stock of the world!

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