Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What is wrong with this world?

So a "high-class Chilean prostitute" wants to donate 27 hours of sex towards a charity trying to raise money for handicapped kids, what a great idea! This glamour wants to do her bit for society yet the response from the charity has left me opened mouthed and dismayed.

"The administrator of the Teleton foundation, television presenter Mario Kreutzberger, has thrown cold water on the proposition, saying it falls well outside his moral guidelines and he cannot accept it."

Is this bloke on drugs? What a generous offer. I am very tempted to fly over to Chile and help out this great cause. At $333 for a 90 minute session I guess I could donate something like $3500.....

This has also got me thinking that I should partake in the 40 hour famine next year. I am sure if I put my mind to it I could last 40 hours without sex! Sorry ladies it is for charity.

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