Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"It Takes Two"

As some of you may know my favourite show is "Dancing With The Stars". My dream is to be on that show.

Well channel 7 in their wisdom have a new show on in its time slot "It Takes Two". I put it on for a laugh and instantly got addicted. Nothing beats sucking back a couple of bottles of Penfolds red while watching "It takes two". I was a massive Ernie Dingo fan until he was knocked out on Monday night. How the hell is Mimi Macpherson still going on the show she was great in her movie but the girl can not sing! Besides her movie career she ran a whale watching business. What a life that would be taking people out to watch whales and drink beer, lots of beer! I gave Brad a call and we are tempted to start up " Whale Watching Tours". If the wrestling in Mexico does not pan out I may be on the seven seas!

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