Sunday, October 12, 2008

30 is the new 21

So its been way too long...and what is my excuse? Well lets just say "EDOG" baby! I am 30 but that has not stopped .com firing on all fours....Life has been good real good. As promised I have cut back on the work lunches, they now only last 4hours and a modest amount of alcohol is consumed. Two Carltons, two bottles of red and my new weapon of choice Rum and coke to give me that little sugar boost before are hard afternoon of office slog!

The ladies don't mind the extra age in fact many ladies have said "James you are like a good South Australian Shiraz, you only get better with age".... Shangri-la time baby.....

I was worried I may lose that .com effect but at a recent 21st I was that main attraction. I can not count on both hands how many ladies I dances with but lets just say there were a few unhappy males looking on.....

Well fans I best be off its after 5 and I have to take my VB's but I will be back soon.

.com out!

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